Evelyn Cusi Lopez

Hello I'm

Data scientist / Software engineer

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About Me

Hi, I'm Evelyn, I'm currently a Data Scientist at project44.

In my university years I was part of "Creation of an Early Warning System of Fires using drones (2015)" project directed by Eduardo Di Santi PhD, this experience ignited my passion for AI, as we created an image fire detection tool using SVM and of course a lot of image analysis and processing; also I was part of the GSoC (Google Summer of Code) program in 2019 for the Pharo Consortium, where I learned teamwork skills, and improved my development skills.

In 2020 I made a system of "Driving anomaly detection" using a simple Neural Network and Isolation Forest, which was my project to opt for the degree in System Engineering where I graduated with honors.

Later I participated in a project to create a Genetic Algorithm to generate unit tests automatically for programs written in Smalltalk, this project was used to carry out different experiments to publish papers in different scientific journals like ACM and IEEE.


Data Scientist - project44 (August 2021 – Current)

  • Build predictive models using machine learning tools to predict ETA and ETD (Estimate Time of Arrival and Estimate Time of Departure).
    • Data cleaning and preparation:
      • Design algorithms/heuristics to detect anomalies in tracking data: GPS signals, ETA and ETD.
      • Data visualization, the main tools used were: matplotlib, seaborn, folium and kepler.
      • Data augmentation.
    • Train and evaluate the model, mainly used algorithms were CatBoost and XGBoost.
    • Develop automatic reports of model’s performance, using AWS and Jenkins.
  • Improve data quality for a p44’s own reverse geocoding system.
    • Collect external and internal data (using snowflake/SQL).
    • Analyze data.
  • Perform analysis based on historical data, to improve hyperparameters in pre-existing ML systems.

Mentor - Google Summer of Code 2021 - Pharo Consortium (May 2021 – July 2021)

Mentoring of the Refining Code Critics project of Alejandra Cossio student, for Pharo Consortium

Software Engineer - SEMANTICS S.R.L. (August 2018 – July 2021)

  • Develop web page for registration to ESUG Conference 2019.
  • Train junior engineers.
  • Develop, improve, manage and support SmallSuiteGenerator (Smalltalk tool to generate test cases automatically using Genetic Algorithms).
  • Develop and improve Refactoring tools for Pharo consorsium.

Software Engineer - Google Summer of Code - Pharo Consortium (May 2019 – August 2019)

I made contributions to Pharo 8, among the main contributions are:

  • Fix refactoring issues.
  • Improve existing refactorings.
  • Add new refactorings.

Summary website: https://lin777.github.io/gsoc2019/


TestEvoViz: visualizing genetically-based test coverage evolution (December 2022) Empirical Software Engineering

This paper presents TestEvoViz, a visual technique to introspect genetic algorithm-based test generation processes. TestEvoViz offers the practitioners a visual support to expose the process and decisions made by the generation algorithm. We first present a number of case studies to illustrate the expressiveness of TestEvoViz...

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TestEvoViz: Visual Introspection for Genetically-Based Test Coverage Evolution (September 2020) VISSOFT

Genetic algorithms are an efficient mechanism to generate unit tests. Automatically generated unit tests are known to be an important asset to identify software defects and define oracles. However, configuring the test generation is a tedious activity for a practitioner due to the inherent difficulty to adequately tuning the generation process...

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Visual automatic fire detection through the Histogram of Oriented Gradients and Support Vector Machine (October 2016)Scielo

The visual detection of objects in digital images, is one ofthe challenging issues in Computer Science, especially ifthose objects do not have a definite shape, as in the case offire. To meet the challenge, it is necessary to use techniques Computer Vision and Machine Learning, so that the results are approximate as much as possible, to the human visual system. Given a digital image, with the aim of identifying areas where fire there, the computer should locate exactly the same areas as a human would...

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Latest Projects

project name

Classification of native languages of Bolivia

The objective of this project is to create a language classification tool, which, although it is a simple task, is elementary to carry out more complex tasks such as automatic translation, sentiment analysis, speech to text, text to speech conversion, etc.

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project name

Python Roadmap

The purpose of this project is to trace a learning path from scratch to become an AI expert, with this I hope to help many others to take the first step in this fascinating area.

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project name

Driving Anomaly Detection

This paper describes the development of a mechanism to detect driving anomalies, which is implemented using a mobile device and Machine Learning techniques. The objective is create a tool capable to find anomalous behaviors in the driving of human or autonomous agent...

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